Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why this blog

In a nutshell, I am tired of biting my tongue. I am tired of being bashed. I am at home with my kids because it is where I should be. Yes, I believe a mother's place is at home with her children.

I think women have been bullied into feeling like they have to do it all. There is everything right in staying home to raise your family. This will be a place for those of us at home to speak freely about how right our choice is.

The apron and heels are optional, but highly recommended! I don't perpetuate the myth that all stay at home moms are haggered and thrown together. Or over privileged and pampered for that matter. I can dry a tear, scrub a floor, cook a meal and run to the bus darn fast in heels! But you can bet that I had to schedule, meal plan, coupon clip and sale search to be able to do it!

This is my work. And I am tired of feeling like I need to apologize for it.